Community studies provide an in-depth understanding of all the contemporary social problems and also political and economic problems, facing by the communities. Community studies are a field of academics that borrows largely from both anthropological and sociological disciplines. It is important to note that both sociology and anthropology are concerned with the issues of communities and society as a whole. Community studies, as a discipline within the academic field, constitute an interdisciplinary area of academics that is more practical oriented than theoretical. Community studies are always combined with other disciplines. In this case, community studies are studied in the forms such as community health, urban community studies and family and community studies amongst other disciplines. It is critical to note that with the constant changes taking place within the society as a whole, the scope of community studies is subject to expansion. This is because global changes come with new issues in the society. Community studies utilize various research methods: ethnography, social research methods and observation, especially participants, in the process of studying communities.
Training and Workshop, Consultations, PhD/ MSc Supervisions, Institutional SDGs Reports (the.global.goals)
Computer Laboratories (SPSS, Nvivo, Excel), SEM Amos, PLS, Multidimensional Poverty, Stakeholder analysis, regression etc.
- Dr. Badli Ahmad
- Dr. Mohd Iqbal Mohd Noor
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