Researchers Title
    Kalavathy Ramasamy, Abu Bakar Majeed, JFF Weber Abdullah, Mustafar Kamal Hamzah, Ibtisam Abdul Wahab and Steven Lim Siong Meng New/Novel Endophytic Metabolites of the Taman Negara, Pahang
    Nor Hadiani Ismail, Rohaya Ahmad, Faridahanim Mohd Jaafar and Norizan Ahmat Chemical Diversity and Biological Activity of Endemic Plants of Kuala Keniam, Taman Negara, Pahang: Focus on Rubiaceae, Annonaceae, Apocynaceae and Related Families
    Mohd Nazip Suratman, Mazlin Kusin, Mansur Ahmad, Judith Gisip, Shahril Anuar Bahari, Suriana Rofie@Rafie, Azrena Abdul Karim and Shaikh Abdul Karim Yamani Tree Species Diversity of Kuala Keniam, Taman Negara, Pahang
    Sulaiman Shaari, Ahmad Maliki Omar, Hedzlin Zainuddin, Masnawi Mustaffa and Zuhairusnizam Md Darus Solar Photovoltaic Monitoring System for the UiTM-PERHILITAN Research Station, Kuala Keniam
    Nor Zaini Ikrom Zakaria and Sabarinah Sh Ahmad Climatic Responses on Thermal Design of Buildings for Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Built Environment
    Othman Yusof, Jasmee Jaafar, Kamaludin Hj Talib, Mat Akhir Mat Wazir and Rosmadi Ghazali Monitoring of River Depth at Kuala Keniam, Taman Negara
    Researchers Title
    Jasmee Jaafar, Roslina Idris and Pauziyah Mohammad Salem Critical Evaluation of Hand Held GPS for Route Survey in Forested Environment
    Nor Hadiani Ismail, Rohaya Ahmad, Faridahanim Mohd Jaafar and Norizan Ahmat Study on Mobility of Various Sites Using Remotely Sensed Data For Proposed Masterplan of Sustainable Development of Taman Negara
    Sofiah Abd Rahman, Normala Daud, Mior Harris Mior Harun and Ainul Azreen Adam Tourist Attitude towards Sustainable Tourism
    Mohd Salleh Daim, Bill Hamilton, Jamalunlaili Abdullah, Mohd Khairul Affzan Che Arsad and Zakaria Hashim River Recreation Opportunity Analysis for Taman Negara Pahang
    Mohd Salleh Daim, Jamalunlaili Abdullah, Anuar Mohd Noor and Che Bon Ahmad Criteria for Buffer Zone Delineation in Taman Negara Pahang
    Norha Abu Hanifah Ecotourism and the Law in Malaysia with Special Reference to Taman Negara – Bio Piracy Law and Policy on Genetic Resources
    Za’afaran Hassan, Zaini Abdullah, Sarminah Samad, Shamsul Azren Mohd Shukur and Syed Ashrene Syed Omar An Empirical Study of Competitive Cluster Business Need Priorities and TQM Readiness Analysis amongst Small Medium Enterprises within Taman Negara Malaysia
    Rosidah Musa, Anizah Zainudin, Noor Afizah Hj. Ismail, Wan Jooriah Hood, Zubaidah Zahirudin, Samirah Hamzah and Jamaliah Mohd Yusof Feasibility Study on Setting Up Home-stay Programme in Taman Negara Pahang
    Rosidah Musa, Anizah Zainudin, Noor Afizah Hj. Ismail, Wan Jooriah Hood, Zubaidah Zahirudin, Samirah Hamzah and Jamaliah Mohd Yusof Ecotourism Potential for Taman Negara Pahang
    Nor'ain Othman, Mazlina Mahdzan, Siti Sabariah Hj Ismail and Rozian Mohd Taha Tourist Satisfaction and Service Quality in Taman Negara
    Zakaria Hashim, Bill Hamilton, Mohd Salleh Daim and Seri Rahayu Mohd Saad Ecotourism Potential for Taman Negara Pahang
    Rochin Demong, Abdul Latiff Abdul Rahman, Melissa Shahrom, Lailatul Faizah Abu Hassan, Rahayu Hasanordin and Masrur Mohd Khir Feasibility Studies of Using Low-Cost Camera and Is Impact Towards Capturing 360 Degree Images Quality For Panoramic View Development: A Case Study of Kuala Tahan Kuala Keniam Route
    Noormala Amir Ishak, Rabiah Abdul Wahab, Siti Halijjah Shariff, Yon Bahiah Wan Aris, Norminsham Abdul Karim, Mior Harris Mior Harun, Abu Hassan Ibrahim and Noraini Ismail The Effects of Affective and Cognitive Information Use Over the Course of a Vacation and Intention to Revisit Taman Negara National Park
    Researchers Title
    Rozlinda Abdullah, Hariati Mansor and Noraziah Abu Bakar Ecotourism and the Law in Malaysia with Special Reference to Taman Negara – The Enforcement of Laws Pertaining to Wildlife Management
    Hamsiah Omar and Siti Hafsyah Idris Ecotourism and the Law in Malaysia with Special Reference to Taman Negara – Waste Disposal Law
    Rasyikah Md Khalid and Siti Sarah Sulaiman Ecotourism and the Law in Malaysia with Special Reference to Taman Negara – Looking for the Perspective of Planning Law
    Haidar Dziyauddin, Mohd Haris Abd Rani and Ismail Badiuzzaman Ecotourism and Conflict of Jurisdiction and Legal Impediments in Implementing Ecolabelling
    Noraziah Abu Bakar, Mazlifah Mansoor and Rasyikah Khalid Ecotourism and the Law in Malaysia with Special Reference to Taman Negara – Natural and Cultural Heritage
    Shireen Haron, Fauziah Hassan, Norshidah Nordin, Khairuddin Idris, Rohaya Abdul Wahab, S Salahuddin Suriyono, Fazimah Hayati Hassan Basri and Mohd Yadman Sarwan Lifelong Learning in the Malaysian ”Orang Asli” Settlements
    Noreha Taib, Wan Latifah Wan Ariffin, Mohd Radzi Manap, Ismie Roha Mohd Jais, Azhar Abd Wahab, Aini Akmar Mohd Kasim and Mohd Sofian Abdul Latif The Elements and Characteristics of Folklore among the Batek Tribe in Taman Negara, Pahang
    Laili Haji Hashim, Sohaimi Zakaria, Ahmad Zam Hariro Samsudin, Mohd Nazir Ahmad and Nordibradini Selamat Capturing Invaluable Indigenous Knowledge and National Heritage: An Ethnographic Study of the Taman Negara Batek Community
    Capturing Invaluable Indigenous Knowledge and National Heritage: An Ethnographic Study of the Taman Negara Batek Community Pengaruh Animisme dalam Kepercayaan Masyarakat Islam Suku Kaum Semoq Beri di Kampung Bantal Taman Negara Pahang
    Ahmad Zaki Hj. Abdul Latiff, Pisol Maidin, Fairuzah Basri, Amal hayati Ishak and Zakiah Samori Kajian Etnografi dan Arkeologi Pertapakan Islam di Sekitar Taman Negara Pahang

    Effect of Malaysian Endophytes on K562, a Human Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Nurul Aqmar et al., 2007, paper presented at the Asian Mycology Congress & International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium, Malaysia.
    Sustainability Analysis: Visitors Impact on Taman Negara Pahang, Malaysia, Norain Othman et al., 2008, paper presented at the 4th World Conference in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, Antalyta, Turkey.
    Conservation and Protection of Taman Negara, Malaysia as National Heritage: Its Implementation under National Heritage Act 2005, Noraziah Abu Bakar et al., 2007, paper presented at the Conference on Heritage and Environment, Glasgow, UK.
    An Insight into National Heritage Act 2005: Alignment of Action and Vision, Rasyikah Khalid et al. 2007, paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality, Malaysia.
    Issues and Challenges in the Management of Wildlife: Is our Natural Heritage Adequately Protected? Rozlinda Abdullah et al., 2008, paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality, Malaysia
    Distribution of Endophytic Fungi in Plants Obtained from the National Park, Pahang, Nurul Aqmar et al., 2007, paper presented at the Asian Mycology Congress & International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium, Malaysia.
    Tourist Satisfaction and Service Quality in Taman Negara Pahang Malaysia, Norain Othman et al., 2008, paper presented at the 4th World Conference in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, Antalyta, Turkey.
    The Roles of University in Encouraging Community-Based Conservation in Taman Negara Pahang: The Headstart, Mohd Salleh Daim et al., 2008, paper presented at the International Geographical Union Commission Conference on Marginal Area, Spain.
    Upriver Community of Taman Negara Pahang, Jamalunlaili Abdullah and Mohd Salleh Daim, 2008, paper presented at the International Geographical Union Commission Conference on Marginal Area, Spain.
    Formulating Eco-Tourist Satisfaction Strategies for Taman Negara National Park, Malaysia: Application of Importance-Performance Analysis, Rosidah Musa, 2008, paper presented at 14th Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) annual Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
    Factorial Validation of Ecotourism Destination Image and Eco-tourists’ Motivation: Empirical Analysis of Taman Negara National Park (TNNP), Malaysia, Rosidah Musa, 2008, paper presented at 9th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, Madris, Spain.
    Local Participation: Nature Guiding in Taman Negara Pahang, Zakaria Hashim and Mohd Salleh Daim, 2009, paper presented at the International Geographical Union Commission Conference on Marginal Area, Shah Alam.
    Distributing Ecotourism Benefits to Marginalized Areas in Ulu Tembeling, Pahang, Mohd Salleh Daim et al., 2009, paper presented at the International Geographical Union Commission Conference on Marginal Area, Shah Alam.
    Keniam Model. Mohd Salleh Daim et al., 2009, paper presented at the Forestry Seminar, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia.
    Managing Crisis at Taman Negara, Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Hayati Mohd Dahan et al., 2010, paper presented at ‘International Conference on Business, Economics and Tourism Management (CBETM)’, Singapore.
    Tree Species Composition and Stand Structure of Pahang National Park, Malaysia, Mohd Nazip Suratman et al., 2010, paper presented at XXIII International Union of Forest Research Organization Worlds Congress, Seoul, South Korea.
    Stand Structure and Species Diversity of Kuala Keniam, Pahang National Park, Mohd Nazip Suratman, et al., 2010 paper presented at Seminar of Science Technology and Social Science (STSS), Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia, 1 June 2010.

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