Innovation awards from Taman Negara Research
    Title Researchers Event Medal
    Keniam Model: A Strategy for Enhancing R&D Programmes Professor Dato' Dr. Rahmat bin Mohamad IID2009 Silver
    Virtual Tour: Kuala Tahan to Kuala Keniam Route, Taman Negara Rochin Demong IID2009 Bronze
    RE: The Malaysian Ginseng Prof. Nor Hadiani Ismail IID2009 Bronze
    Rapid Screening of Malaysian Tropical Plants for Anti-Diabetic Properties Mohamad Jemain IID2009 Silver
    Title Researchers Event Medal
    Landslide Disaster by Calendar for Pahang National Park Prof. Dr. Roslan Bin Zainal Abidin IID2008 Gold
    Landslide Disaster by Calendar for Pahang National Park Prof. Dr. Roslan Bin Zainal Abidin ITEX2008 Silver
    Chemical Diversity and Biological Activity of Endemic Plants Prof. Nor Hadiani Ismail IID2008 Silver
    e-Portal System Assoc Prof. ‪Jasmee Jaafar‬ IID2009 Silver
    Tropical Rainforest Tree Finder Professor Ts. Dr Mohd Nazip Suratman. IID2008 Bronze
    Biodiversity of Insects in Kuala Keniam Dr Fauziah Ismail IID2008 Bronze
    Title Researchers Event Medal
    Effectiveness Study on Painted Campaign for Eco-Tourism Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Adzrool Idzwan bin Ismail IENA, Germany Silver
    Landslide Disaster by Calendar for Pahang National Park Assoc Prof. ‪Jasmee Jaafar IENA, Germany Silver
    Haron, S. et al., (2009). Lifelong Learning Among the Malaysian Orang Asli Bateq Community, UPENA, 58pp.
    Ismail, F. et al., (2009). Simple Keys to Insects of Kuala Keniam, Taman Negara Pahang, UPENA 32pp.
    Ismail, F. et al., (2009). A Glossary of Entomological Terms, UPENA, 168pp.
    Suratman, M.N. et al. (Eds.). (2010). Kuala Keniam: Nature’s Treasure Trove in the Heartland, UPENA, 160pp
    Mohamad, R. et al. (Eds.). (2010). Abstracts: UiTM-PERHILITAN Taman Negara Research Projects, UPENA, 90 pp.
    Suratman, M.N. et al. (Eds.). (2012). Taman Negara: Towards Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainability. UiTM Press, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 649 pp.
    Suratman, M.N. (Ed.) Beyond Biodiversity Conservation. UiTM Press, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 150 pp.
    Ambali, A. R et al. (2012). A Primer Policy Analysis: Methological Approach, 210 pp. IIUM Press.
    Ambali, A. R et al. (Eds.) (2013). Gunung Ledang: Geology, Biodiversity, Socio-economic and Environment, 208 pp.
    Daim, M.S. et al. Birds of Kuala Keniam: A Field Guide (in preparation).
    Suratman, M.N. et al. Flora of Kuala Keniam: A Scientific Guide Book (in preparation).
    Ismail, N.H. et al., (2008). 2-Formyl-3-hydroxy-9, 10-anthroquinone, Acta Crystallographica (Scopus indexed)
    Hazalin, A.M.N. et al., (2009). Cytotoxic and Antibacterial Activities of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Plants at the National Park, Pahang, Malaysia, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine Journal, 9:46. 1-5. (Scopus indexed)
    Ismail, N.H. et al., (2010). Phytochemical and Biological Activity Screening of Plants Collected from Kuala Keniam Taman Negara, Pahang, Journal of Wildlife.
    Mohd Firdaus, H.N.N. (2010). Evaluation of Temporal Effects of the Sg. Tembeling Tributaries by Dissolved Heavy Metal and Nutrients, Journal of Wildlife.
    Chui, T.C.B. et al. (2010). Exploring Tourist Experiencescape and Servicescape at Taman Negara (National Park Malaysia), International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance. 1 :1 28 - 31. td>
    Mohd Dahan, H. et al. (2010). Crisis Management at Taman Negara National Park, Kuala Tahan, Pahang Malaysia. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance. 1:1 24-27.
    S Rajan, NNM Firdaus, M Appukutty and K Ramasamy (2012) Effects of climate changes on dissolved heavy metal concentrations among recreational park tributaries in Pahang, Malaysia. Biomedical Research.
    Suratman, M.N. et al. (2010). Stand Structure and Species Diversity of Keniam Forest, Pahang National Park. International Conference on Science and Social Research (CSSR 2010)
    Abd Hamid, N. and M.N. Suratman (2010). Assessments of Rattan Abundance and Species Composition in Kuala Keniam, Taman Negara Pahang. International Conference on Science and Social Research (CSSR 2010)
    Asari, N. ad M.N. Suratman (2010). Distribution and Species Diversity of Bamboo at Kuala Keniam, Pahang National Park. International Conference on Science and Social Research (CSSR 2010)

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